Disability Awareness and Sports Inclusion Training for Transition Year Pupils

The Disability Awareness programme provides teenagers in transition year with an understanding of what the term disability means. The main aim of the programme is to provide teenagers with an understanding of the difficulties faced by individuals who may sufferer from a disability. It is hoped that this experience will help them develop a more positive, respectful and understanding attitude towards the issues faced by individuals with a disability.

The Programme consists of a one and half hour theory session, followed by a two hour wheelchair practical session, where the pupils get to participate in games and activities aimed at individuals in wheelchairs.   The Session can be split in two or run over one day.

This programme which is subsidised by the Louth Sports Partnership is free of charge and is run in conjunction with the Irish Wheelchair Association sports project. If you are interested in finding out more about this programme or would like to make a booking please contact  Robert Hurr, Irish Wheelchair Association, Ardee on 041-6853046 or e-mail robert.hurr@iwa.ie